We moved in March out to "the country"... a very small town in the Monadnock Region of New Hampshire. It is our dream and we are very blessed to be where we are, especially as we really saw God's hand in the entire process.
In the run-up to the move, all my sewing stuff was packed right away and put into storage. This was due to time/space issues - not the quantum physics kind - the kind where I have WAY TOO MUCH stuff and it had to be put into storage in order to show our house and sell it.
Now that we've settled in a bit and have crossed off a few major projects in our new home, I'm finally unpacking my sewing things and all my fabric.
I am beyond thrilled to have an entire room for my sewing here - my very own sewing room!
These are photos just after the room was freshly painted and the new wood floor installed.
At the moment I'm in the midst of unpacking and washing all the fabric from the 6 giant cardboard boxes, 4 huge plastic totes, several miscellaneous drawer container units and figuring out where things will go in my new space. Steve has mounted adjustable wire shelving in the closet for me and I'm sure that everything will have to be re-arranged 973 times before I'm happy with the arrangement and where things are set up. But it is progress!
And, I've had the blessing of being able to work on some quilt ministry projects during the time that B is practicing with the worship team at church, so I'm being productive a little bit on that front. I am almost finished with the hand-quilting on a baby-girl quilt, have binding to do on another girl quilt, have begun work on a baby-boy/generic quilt, and am part way into final piecing of a top for a scrappy lap size quilt that may be used as a ministry fund-raiser or for some other purpose.
Blessings on the sewing journey ~ I hope to post some finished projects before too long.

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